Group members — present and past

University at Buffalo


8/2024-presentTharusha Bandara   
(funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency)
1/2025-presentFathima Nuzla Ismail   
(funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency)

PhD student

4/2021-presentJnanajyoti Bhaumik
8/2021-presentSaiful Islam (Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering (CDSE) Program)
(funded by National Institute of General Medical Sciences)
8/2021-presentMaisha Islam Sejunti (co-supervised with Dane Taylor till 8/2023)
(funded by National Science Foundation)
8/2022-presentKatherine Betz
8/2023-presentNepa Nurjahan Akter
8/2023-presentBisna Mary Eldo
(funded by National Science Foundation)
8/2023-presentQuoc Chuong Nguyen
2/2024-presentShilong Yu
(funded by National Science Foundation)

Almuni — University at Buffalo

The placement shown below is the one right after Universeity at Buffalo, with a few exceptions.


8/2023-11/2024  Sarbendu Rakshit   
(Visiting Assistant Professor (full time), funded by University at Buffalo)
5/2023-10/2024Si Thu Aung   
(funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency)
1/2022-7/2024Neil G. MacLaren   
(funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency)
Next position: research psychologist, U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
12/2021-11/2023Pitambar Khanra   
(funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency)
Next position: postdoc, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
01/2021-12/2022  Prosenjit Kundu   
(Visiting Assistant Professor (full time), funded by University at Buffalo)
Next position: Assistant Professor, Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, India
8/2020-5/2021  Rupam Acharyya   
(funded by JP Morgan Chase)
Next position: Vertica (software company)
9/2019-3/2021Kashin Sugishita(杉下佳辰)
(funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; 日本学術振興会海外特別研究員; transferred from Univeresity of Bristol, where he was between 04/2019-08/2019)
Next position: Assistant Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

PhD student

7/2020-2/2025Chanon Thongprayoon
1/2024-12/2024HyunAh Lee (Biostatistics PhD program)
(effectively co-supervised with Ekaterina (Katia) Noyes at Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health)
(working for a one-year project funded by Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, State University of New York at Buffalo)
2/2020-5/2024  Ruodan Liu(刘弱丹)
Next position: postdoc, Santa Clara University, CA (California), USA
8/2019-5/2022  Elohim Fonseca dos Reis
Next position: postdoc, Alan Turing Institute, United Kingdom
8/2019-5/2022Lingqi Meng(孟令奇)
Next position: postdoc, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Undegraduate (senior thesis student)

8/2021-5/2022  Yanyan Li(李妍妍)  
Next position: Master of Science program in Data Science and Analytics, Georgetown University
7/2020-5/2021Mengyuan (Jason) Sun(孙梦元)  
Next position: PhD student, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo

Past visitors (at least one month)

6/2023-8/2023  Carlos a Vázquez-de Jesus
(undergraduate student, University of Puerto Rico at Cayey)
1/2023-2/2023Jiyoung Kang
(Assistant Professor, Pukyong National University, South Korea)
8/2021-4/2022  Kazuki Nakajima(中嶋一貴)
and(PhD student, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; 東京工業大学)
09/2022-03/2023(as postdoc, same institution)

University of Bristol


9/2019-2/2020Irene Malvestio
(funded by Cookpad Limited)
6/2019-1/2020Marinho Lopes
(funded by GW4)
07/2018-07/2019Alessio Cardillo
(funded by Cookpad Limited)
4/2016-3/2019Sadamori Kojaku(幸若完壮)
(funded by CREST, JST)
05/2015-03/2016Kohei Tamura(田村光平)
(funded by CREST, JST)

PhD student
(Only the students I supervise effectively as the first or co-first supervisor are listed here. For the complete list including second and third supervisions, please see my full CV available at a tab to the left.)

9/2015-8/2019Simon Godwin (co-supervised with Lucia Marucci)

Visitor (at least one month)

5/2019-8/2019Bruna Campos Guedes
(undergraduate student, Polytech Marseille — Aix-Marseille Université, France)
9/2018-3/2019Shun Kodate(小舘俊)
(PhD student, Tohoku University, Japan; 東北大学)
3/2018-4/2018Jorge P. Rodríguez
(PhD student, University of Balearic Islands, Spain)
1/2017-3/2017Elohim Fonseca dos Reis
(PhD student, University of Campinas, Brazil)

University of Tokyo


4/2013-2/2014 Takuya Machida(町田拓也)
(funded by Research Fellowships for Young Scientists (PD), JSPS; 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD))
4/2012-10/2012 Ryosuke Nishi(西遼佑
(funded by Kakenhi, Japan; 科研費・新学術領域)
4/2011-3/2012 Jun Nakabayashi(中林潤)
(funded by Kakenhi, Japan; 科研費・新学術領域)
4/2011-3/2012 Etsuo Segawa(瀬川悦生)
(funded by JST, Presto; JST研究補助員)
4/2011-3/2012 Shuhei Furuya(古谷修平)
(funded by Research Fellowships for Young Scientists (PD), JSPS; 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD))
4/2009-3/2011 Yoshimi Yoshino(吉野好美)
(funded by Kakenhi, Japan; 科研費・新学術領域)
3/2009-3/2011 Takehisa Hasegawa(長谷川雄央)
(funded by JST, Presto; JST研究補助員)

PhD student

4/2010-3/2013 Taro Takaguchi(高口太朗)
Funded by: 日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC1)
Mining Temporal Patterns of Communication Behavior in Social Networks
4/2010-3/2013 Mitsuhiro Nakamura(中村光宏)
Funded by: 日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC1)
Indirect Reciprocity under Imperfect Reputation Sharing